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Message 6424 - Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 9:02:22 UTC

Some comments regarding the CVMFS configuration of LHC@Home VMs

CVMFS is configured by several files in /etc/cvmfs and it's subdirectories.
The files are sourced in a specific order and contain configuration parameters as key-value pairs.
As the configuration files are interpreted by /bin/sh, parameters containing special characters, e.g. semicolons, must be quoted.


CVMFS_SERVER_URL=    # can be left unquoted

CVMFS_SERVER_URL=";"    # MUST be quoted (either ' or ")

An unquoted line like this

would configure only the 1st server ( as ";" would be interpreted as command seperator.
Luckily "" is not a valid command and will be ignored.

The sourcing order becomes important if default settings should be replaced.
See comments from /etc/cvmfs/default.conf
# Don't edit here.  Create /etc/cvmfs/default.local.
# As a rule of thumb, overwrite only parameters you find in here.
# If you look for any other parameter, check /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/<your_domain>.(conf|local)
# and /etc/cvmfs/config.d/<your_repository>.(conf|local)
# Parameter files are sourced in the following order
# /etc/cvmfs/default.conf
# /etc/cvmfs/default.d/*.conf (in alphabetical order)
# $CVMFS_CONFIG_REPOSITORY/etc/cvmfs/default.conf (if config repository is set)
# /etc/cvmfs/default.local
# $CVMFS_CONFIG_REPOSITORY/etc/cvmfs/domain.d/<your_domain>.conf (if config repository is set)
# /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/<your_domain>.conf
# /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/<your_domain>.local
# $CVMFS_CONFIG_REPOSITORY/etc/cvmfs/config.d/<your_repository>.conf (if config repository is set)
# /etc/cvmfs/config.d/<your_repository>.conf
# /etc/cvmfs/config.d/<your_repository>.local



This would configure all repositories to use except which would use
To get from a different server a *.local file must be created in /etc/cvmfs/config.d:

In addition the example violates the rule of thumb to only write parameters in a *.local file that can be found in the corresponding *.conf file.
As CVMFS_SERVER_URL is usually configured in /etc/cvmfs/domain.d or /etc/cvmfs/config.d it should not be reconfigured in /etc/cvmfs/default.local.

Regarding the CVMFS of LHC@Home I found a user-data file that writes an initial CVMFS configuration:
        CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT: 10000
        CVMFS_REPOSITORIES: grid,sft,alice
        CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY: auto
        CVMFS_PAC_URLS: ";"
        CVMFS_SERVER_URL: ";;;"
  - owner: root:root
    path:  /etc/cvmfs/config.d/
    permissions: '0644'
    content: |

It looks like this file is used to write CVMFS_PAC_URLS and CVMFS_SERVER_URL to /etc/cvmfs/default.local.
CVMFS_SERVER_URL results in a misconfiguration as this parameter is unquoted in the target and it shouldn't be set there at all.

CVMFS_PAC_URLS will be modified later during the VM's boot process but the pattern looks similar to CVMFS_SERVER_URL.
Hence I suspect it is also set without correct quoting.
This results in the fact that can't be used as fallback.

In addition CVMFS_REPOSITORIES lists more repositories than necessary.
Neither "sft" nor "alice" are required during the early boot phase.
Hence they might be removed from user-data and configured later via bootstrap.
This would also make user-data more general (Theory, CMS, ...) as a change of this file would require a new vdi.

The lower part of user-data writes CVMFS_SERVER_URL to
This might be critical as the closing double quotes are missing (!).
Beside that CVMFS_SERVER_URL should be set in /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/

Here is a suggestion how the cvmfs part of the user-data file might look like:
        CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT: 10000
        CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY: auto
        CVMFS_PAC_URLS: |
  - owner: root:root
    path:  /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/
    permissions: '0644'
    content: |

App specific repositories should be added via bootstrap.
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Message 6435 - Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 8:45:59 UTC

It looks like the missing quotes in "user-data" still cause some VMs at the production server to fail whenever they pic the last server from the list which is


They typically show a line like this in stderr.txt:
2019-07-11 09:29:08 (32000): Guest Log: 3535 1 27852 9707 3 1 7431 10240000 2 65024 0 3 100 0 0 DIRECT 0

Malformed CVMFS server entry:

should be:

The "0" at the end of the line indicates that the repository is NOT connected.
Hence all data requested from that repository can't be accessed.
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ProfileMagic Quantum Mechanic

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Message 6436 - Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 9:13:10 UTC

There has been so much trouble with the EXIT_INIT_FAILURE and EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED over there and I checked other members that run even more than I do and see hundreds of these errors and nothing done about it so I gave up and switched most of mine to Sixtracks since they don't even need the internet to run.

Funny thing is my 2-core Theory tasks are Valids but 4-core on my newer pc's failed and some of them are the type that run over 10 hours before the Error (and the X86 has no problem with single-core tasks along with other single-core X64 tasks)....I hope your " CVMFS configuration of LHC" is read and something done since these days we have hundreds of pc's just running non-stop and paying no attention to all the Invailds/errors.

(Not to mention CMS problems here on the Win 10 OS)
And the usual [ERROR] Condor ended after 1156 seconds with LHC Theory
(in 24 hours I start a new month at high-speed satellite so I will test them again at LHC and the CMS here since they demand even more MB d/l here just to get a task to start running)
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Crystal Pellet
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Message 6437 - Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 8:51:18 UTC - in response to Message 6435.  

Hi computezrmle, since you're the network-guru here.

I loaded the new 12-Jul-vdi on the production client and I see: DIRECT 1

in the remote display. I suppose, that failure is corrected.
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Message 6438 - Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 11:32:13 UTC - in response to Message 6437.  

Hi computezrmle, since you're the network-guru here.

Thanks. Too much honor.

I loaded the new 12-Jul-vdi on the production client and I see: DIRECT 1

in the remote display. I suppose, that failure is corrected.

It depends on the server that you get back from the geolocation API.
In your case it's s1cern... which never caused that error as far as I remember.

If you get the last server from the halfquoted string (s1bnl...) it's name is immediately followed by "CVMFS_SERVER..." echoed by the bootstrap script.
That concatenated string results in an invalid CVMFS setup.

Since the configuration string is correctly quoted in the new vdi that error should not occur any more.
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ProfileMagic Quantum Mechanic

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Message 6907 - Posted: 17 Dec 2019, 1:12:27 UTC

just messing around waiting for the football game to start
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Message boards : Theory Application : CVMFS configuration of LHC@Home VMs

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