1) Message boards : CMS Application : Problems posting to CMS@Home (Message 8487)
Posted 12 days ago by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Thanks Ivan
2) Message boards : CMS Application : Upcoming disruptions to CERN infrastructure (Message 8484)
Posted 27 days ago by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
For some reason I couldn't post this to the CMS@Home message board:

This reminds me of when that started happening to Eric McIntosh and he would email me with his posts so I could post them for him over at production.
I hope this doesn't mean you and I are so old we get from semi-retired to forced retired......but then you still have Brunel University
3) Message boards : CMS Application : Upcoming disruptions to CERN infrastructure (Message 8480)
Posted 18 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Thank You Sir
4) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8474)
Posted 7 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

Users then tend to complain about low credits but never about "too much" credit.

I call BS and I had blocked your comments but decided to see what you said this time.
And telling ME here what members might say in production is for you to bother them with over there and never me.
As usual you are full of yourself and I was the first member that even had a Valid VB tasks in March 2011 and you were not there AND you must remember (probably not) that I have mentioned insane credits of over 10,000 for no reason many times and this dev site is NOT a Credits contest and the same with the BS about people trying to join here to add it to their long list of Boinc projects or HIDE their computers. (maybe you should use you mystical powers to deal with THAT)

So once again I will not read your page of info that I don't need from you as usual where you act like you are a genius here and everyone else is here to play video games.

I am only discussing this with Ivan and not you
(so go to github)

I don't need ANY information from you Stef
I'm surprised you didn't underline any of it. (ok I won't read your next........post)
5) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8472)
Posted 7 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
That is my 16 core laptop
So I tried the three 8-core desktops and they all are getting Valids with less than 100 credits each

https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/result.php?resultid=3335864 Computer ID 1866
https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/result.php?resultid=3335723 Computer ID 1848
https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/result.php?resultid=3335653 Computer ID 1816

Ran several on each and this mini-credit started May 3rd and never stopped and I still have more running on each.

Last night I decided to try that laptop on the production version of CMS multi and no problem with that one and I just started another there to see if it does the same.
6) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8469)
Posted 6 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
7) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8467)
Posted 5 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
again https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/result.php?resultid=3335596
8) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8466)
Posted 5 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

You seem to be unlucky 😢.
I'm getting reasonable amounts of credit.

Yes I never have been lucky running CMS no matter what version as far as the Credits but I do prefer them to be Valids

Of course I have checked yours before I even mentioned that since I knew you were running some and you don't "hide" your pc's *which it should not be allowed here to even do but we have several doing that so I have to always check the Statistics/Computers and go through them until I find one running a CMS to compare with)

The other one I had running at the same time is still running so eventually it should finish as Valid.....as far as the Credits go.....I will be shocked if I even get 500 ......yes I am awake at 3:45am for some reason.

I will fire up a few more on the desktops later since I am just on the 16-core laptop next to me just to run things AND be able to check them when I am awake......for some strange reason the Mrs won't allow the 8 other desktops in the bedroom

edit: well as usual my dev-itis made me get up and go grab 8 more of the 4-cores here ....ok officially ......goodnight
9) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8462)
Posted 5 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
10) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8457)
Posted 3 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

Yeah they would love that over at production

Run time 7 hours 53 min 9 sec
CPU time 18 hours 34 min 49 sec
Validate state Valid
Credit 18.47
11) Message boards : CMS Application : Problem with upgrade of BOINC server (Message 8456)
Posted 2 Jun 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Thanks Ivan
12) Message boards : General Discussion : Vbox_image (Message 8449)
Posted 17 May 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
I will have pet penguins before I use that or its cousins.......well except in the VB

Still waiting for that GPU version of course......not that I want to slow down my Einstein HAL 5700's
13) Message boards : CMS Application : New version v61.00 (Message 8443)
Posted 5 May 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
They would love that over at production
14) Message boards : CMS Application : New version v61.00 (Message 8442)
Posted 4 May 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
It looks like we need a new batch of work for these multicores because we aren't getting any actual work right now.

....unless that has just been done today......and it is saturday now sort of.....
15) Message boards : CMS Application : New version v61.00 (Message 8441)
Posted 29 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Nice to see the new version working two days in a row for me.
(one of todays) https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/result.php?resultid=3326343
16) Message boards : CMS Application : Grafana (Message 8439)
Posted 29 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
I have had an account there for a long time but haven't checked for several months and I just tried to log into my account and there is some problem so I just emailed them
17) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8415)
Posted 18 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Same host running the same as I do daily just sent one of those in.
This one is 17hrs run time and 2 days 11 hours 11 min 59 sec CPU time

That other one I was just looking at the Run time / CPU time
And that it was at least Valid
(I was busy doing things so I didn't actually read the entire stderr)

But I just looked and I see how that other one finished like this (in case anyone wants to compare)
Without the VM Completion Message: glidein exited with return value 0.

Instead of the proper way like this

And as I was typing all of this the other one finished and it turned out as it should too
( I will keep running them here and now over at prod.)
18) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8413)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Woo Hoo....ran my usual pair of 4-core and one was the typical one that just uses one core BUT the other that started at the same time was an actual 4-core. (as usual the credits are not much different)

19) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8409)
Posted 16 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Yes those that you did were the actual multi-core version but they stopped running again so we will just wait for a new batch to try when they arrive here.

Your last one was April 4th and that is the last day we have had any more of them so it isn't the version of VB
20) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8407)
Posted 11 Apr 2024 by Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic
Same here.

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