1) Message boards : Number crunching : Monitoring CMS job activity remotely (Message 682)
Posted 19 Aug 2015 by Raistmer

Which leads me to another thought. Surely some helpful person could write a watchdog script which periodically tested CPU efficiency for CMS jobs, and if it fell below threshhold, use boinccmd to tweak <max_ncpus_pct> to allow an additional task to use the idle core, and stop it again when CMS was active.


Perhaps this could be embedded in BOINc itself. Some communication between VM wrapper/VM and BOINC deamon to tell it when VM goes in low CPU consumption state (downloading data, boots or anything but running CPU-intensive job). At such moments BOINC could schedule additional task from other CPU-intensive project if available. Cause for this apps such inactive periods of time measured by minutes or even more (when internet connection drop VM will sit idle, but BOINC task will continue to occupy CPU core) scale it's worth to implement.

P.S. To make this post I presented with logon page (cause writing from new to this project PC) but then instead of get editor window I got 404 not found message. Going through "Your account"(to ensure I logged on)->Message boards and so on avoid that "404". This unrelated to thread topic but smth this forum admin could think of.

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