1) Message boards : News : No new jobs (Message 1149)
Posted 1 Oct 2015 by Richard Haselgrove

I like that word,Ivan.It is very descriptive.

I'm afraid to say, I believe I got it from Jerry Pournelle, with whom I've had my differences...

It's been in use at SETI since at least August 2004, which was the test phase of their conversion to BOINC. So you may have caught it from someone else...
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Issue of the day - 5th September 2015 (Message 1077)
Posted 9 Sep 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
The last thing in boot.log is Activating Fuse module.

That's the last line in my boot.log too.

Tue Sep 8 21:38:23 2015: cms.cern.ch: Activating Fuse module

The next step seems to be at the start of cron-stdout

21:39:01 +0100 2015-09-08 [INFO] Starting CMS Application - Run 1
21:39:01 +0100 2015-09-08 [INFO] Reading the BOINC volunteer's information
21:39:02 +0100 2015-09-08 [INFO] Volunteer: Richard Haselgrove (229) Host: 379

and so on - this task went on to create four run-x folders and processed an uncounted number of events.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : vboxwrapper issue (Message 1075)
Posted 9 Sep 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
I thought I had converted the log extraction over to using the COM API when running on Windows.

Richard, does this mean it only affects Windows ?

Someone else will have to answer that one - any 'nixers out there able to comment?
4) Message boards : Number crunching : vboxwrapper issue (Message 1074)
Posted 9 Sep 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
There was a discussion about this on the boinc_alpha email last week.

So, maybe the next version of the wrapper?

Do we have a rough ETA for that ?
How long does it take to get a new wrapper to be used on a project ?

Jacob Klein started that conversation last Wednesday (2nd September), because he saw the same heavy disk usage at RNA World. First of all, somebody - probably Rom Walton - would have to code the change, and there's no sign of that yet.

Rom is no longer a paid employee of BOINC (since the BOINC project failed to get renewal of their NSF grant funding in the summer), and is coding as a volunteer in his spare time. With last weekend being the Labor Day holiday in the USA, I don't blame him taking a break. Compiled wrappers are usually available for downloading soon after coding, but I imagine projects using them would want a period of in-house testing before deploying them for general use.

There is a wrapper v26170 already - one newer than we use here - but that was compiled on 25 August, so it won't have this fix.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : vboxwrapper issue (Message 1068)
Posted 9 Sep 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
There was a discussion about this on the boinc_alpha email last week. Selected extracts:

David Anderson wrote

A glance at the source code shows that vboxwrapper
copies the entire log file, then looks at the last 16KB of the copy.
It does this every second.

Rom Walton wrote

Ah, that makes sense now.

I thought I had converted the log extraction over to using the COM API when running on Windows.

My initial intent was to prevent interfering with VirtualBox if it was attempting to do something with its log file.

----- Rom

Rom again

- Can we improve this?
Yes. Just switching over to the API should help a bit. Or at the minimum switches the disk IO over to the vboxheadless process. A couple of more changes will be required to really reduce IO though.

IMachine::readLog() accepts offset and size parameters, so we could get the majority case (no new log messages have been written by VirtualBox) down to zero disk IO.

----- Rom

So, maybe the next version of the wrapper?
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Multiple Jobs In A Single Host (Message 1003)
Posted 5 Sep 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Note that there is a "bug" in that whilst the app_config file will allow only one task to run at a time, the work fetch process doesn't take this into account. So more tasks can be downloaded only for the "excess" to sit there waiting. This can also result in idle cores (presumably the one that would have run the waiting task). It may be possible to circumvent this using the avg_ncpus setting but it didn't work for me. Setting this to 1 allowed only one task to be downloaded but after a few seconds, BOINC simply went back and got another.
This is average cpus and can be fractional so maybe setting it to a lower value may work but I've not tried.

Looks as though this may have been fixed in v7.6.9. From the version history
"client: fix job scheduling bug that starves CPU instances ". I haven't
specifcally tested it but it is running OK on Atlas so far.

Thanks, Rom.

That was a very specific bug - introduced by mistake in v7.6.3 - that Cliff Harding found and we worked through from here.

Unless you were seeing similar symptoms in cpu_sched_debug logging - specifically like

[cpu_sched_debug] using 2.00 out of 6 CPUs

I doubt this change is relevant to you. Work fetch and app_config.xml still aren't hooked up.
7) Message boards : News : Jobs incoming! (Message 936)
Posted 31 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
"It was a long weekend", "There was a challenge on", "You told us it was broken", ... two machines woken up and told to report for duty. They'll have to fend for themselves while I sleep.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : issue of the day (Message 801)
Posted 21 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
The machine which was stuck just now is active again (did a VM reset from Oracle, left BOINC running throughout) and seems to be busy (%CPU 86) with

Beginning CMSSW wrapper script
slc6_amd64_gcc491 scramv1 CMSSW
Performing SCRAM setup...
Completed SCRAM setup
Retrieving SCRAM project...
Untarring /home/boinc/CMSRun/glide_RA2Frx/execute/dir_7663/sandbox.tar.gz
Completed SCRAM project
Executing CMSSW
cmsRun -j FrameworkJobReport.xml PSet.py
Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 167401, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:08:35.638 BST
Begin processing the 2nd record. Run 1, Event 167402, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:09:16.891 BST
Begin processing the 3rd record. Run 1, Event 167403, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:09:16.904 BST
Begin processing the 4th record. Run 1, Event 167404, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:09:29.119 BST
Begin processing the 5th record. Run 1, Event 167405, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:09:58.715 BST
Begin processing the 6th record. Run 1, Event 167406, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:10:13.498 BST
Begin processing the 7th record. Run 1, Event 167407, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:10:16.388 BST
Begin processing the 8th record. Run 1, Event 167408, LumiSection 1675 at 21-Aug-2015 16:10:19.684 BST
9) Message boards : Number crunching : issue of the day (Message 797)
Posted 21 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
The machine which got stuck activating the fuse module is still stuck at the same place, but a second machine which was running at the time has picked up the new directory structure without any problems.

I'll restart the stuck one.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : issue of the day (Message 790)
Posted 21 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
20 minutes into a new task, and the console has been stuck at

for at least the last 10 of them.

Having lit the blue touch paper, I'm now retiring to a safe distance and waiting...
11) Message boards : Number crunching : issue of the day (Message 786)
Posted 21 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
The machine I was watching yesterday was looping until 22:40, and then switched to the 6-hour cycle at about run-201.

It's due to shut down the current BOINC task instance within an hour, and start a new one. It'll be interesting to see how the log map changes.
12) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 764)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Me too! At least, BoincView has 'gone green' with 100% CPU efficiency. It's after midnight here, so I haven't gone down into the cellar to inspect the console output directly.
13) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 749)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Doesn't seem to use much CPU (13%). Is that a sign of a problem?

Is that on your host machine or in the ALT+F3 VM console?
Of course, if it's an 8-core machine, Task Manager will show 12 or 13% for a full core's usage...

That was in BoincTasks v. 1.67, but for the ALT+3, mostly zero, up to one moment 20.5%. Seems like no work is being done.

I'm running CMS on two machines - an 8-core hyperthreaded i7 with VBox 4.3.26, and a true 4-core i5 with VBox 5.0.2

The older VBox on the i7 is showing similar CPU %ages - mostly 9%-10%, occasional spikes higher. The newer VBox seems to have higher overheads, in the 25%-30% range.

I'm using similar monitoring to rbpeake - BoincView. Both programs report CPU usage per core - on a scale up to 100% - so these are all 'low' CPU utilisation, unlike any similar percentages displayed by Task Manager on multi-core machines.

All the figures I've given are for today, when the VMs have been essentially idle because of the broken agent. Earlier in the week, when real jobs were running, CPU usage was mostly in the high 90s, and occasionally reached a full 100% (or 1.0000, as BoincView displays the fraction).
14) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 748)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Yes, run-number logs are being kept now - I'm up to run-5. But the contents seem the same as before. What, in particular, would you like us to watch out for?

I've got a run-1 directory, but nothing for the job that's now running. :-(

I'm up to run-57, but they're all very similar, like

	cron-stderr	20-Aug-2015 17:41	7.1K	 
	cron-stdout	20-Aug-2015 17:42	48K	 
	glidein-stderr	20-Aug-2015 17:39	38K	 
	glidein-stdout	20-Aug-2015 17:39	6.5K

I'm waiting for the file sizes to change before I read through another set.

Tasks are 'passing through' about once every two minutes, but I don't think I'd say they were 'lasting' that long. Condor lasts for about 5 seconds, and the rest is setup, error, sleep.
15) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 741)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Yes, run-number logs are being kept now - I'm up to run-5. But the contents seem the same as before. What, in particular, would you like us to watch out for?

Edit - that was a reply to Laurence, and a post about additional information being available, now deleted.
16) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 738)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
This one stood out to me: glidein.stderr, line 98

Error parsing command line arguments: Unrecognized option: -dont-verify-ac
17) Message boards : News : Agent Fixed (Message 734)
Posted 20 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
I saw a glidein.stderr very similar to Yeti's, with the proxy and credential errors - it was quickly deleted.

I also captured this:

after which, everything exited and went back to sleep.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Job queue empty!! (Message 717)
Posted 19 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Sorry old chap, I don't understand your banter!

Sorry, reference to my BoincView network monitoring software. It flags tasks with 'low CPU efficiency' in yellow (among sundry other colour-coded alerts).

In the case of CMS, 'low CPU efficiency' correlates to 'low CPU usage', which basically means no CMS jobs running in the VM. At the time I posted, I assumed that simply meant the system had run out of jobs. Then I went upstairs and checked the VM console and logs - and found it possibly meant glitches with the new Agent scripts. See follow-up posts in the News area.
19) Message boards : News : Agent Broken (Message 709)
Posted 19 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
And mine is

21:01:01 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Starting CMS Application
21:01:01 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Reading the BOINC volunteer's information
21:01:01 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Volunteer: (229
) Host: 380
21:01:01 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Requesting an X509 credential
21:01:07 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Downloading glidein
21:01:12 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] Running glidein (check logs)
21:08:01 +0100 2015-08-19 [INFO] CMS glidein ended

(I think those are the right starting/ending points for the cycle)

IDs are right for this project - CP is ID 38, I am 229.
20) Message boards : News : New CMS Agent (Message 701)
Posted 19 Aug 2015 by Richard Haselgrove
Doesn't like me either:

/cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/CMS@Home/agent/CMSJobAgent.sh: line 9: export: `Haselgrove
': not a valid identifier

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