1) Message boards : News : Multi-core jobs available for CMS@Home-dev (Message 8417)
Posted 22 Apr 2024 by Fardringle
We are currently testing multi-core jobs for CMS@Home. Note that these will only run in -dev as the main project does not currently allow you to select multi-core VMs. We currently have 2-core and 4-core tasks in the queue, so please try selecting 4-core in your machine preferences, and let us know how it works.

It has been almost a full month since these tasks were released and I have been running two computers (an i7-4790 CPU and an i7-8650U CPU) with nothing except a single 4-thread task on each of them the whole time, and one other computer (a Xeon E5-2699 v3 CPU) with one 4-thread LHC task running along with a bunch of other work from different BOINC projects, and my task history says that there have only been a couple of failures that whole time. And I'm pretty sure those failures were my own fault from forcing the computer to reboot without letting BOINC stop the task properly first.
2) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8381)
Posted 30 Mar 2024 by Fardringle
I think you are looking at older tasks. I switched to 4 thread tasks about 2 days ago, and all tasks since then are registering and using 4 threads. And the result logs and actual CPU usage confirm that.

If you are looking at my task history, everything returned after 29 Mar 2024, 8:38:12 UTC is running the new 4-thread CMS tasks.
3) Message boards : CMS Application : CMS multi-core (Message 8377)
Posted 29 Mar 2024 by Fardringle
My i7-8650U laptop and i7-4790 desktop both seem to be using between 3.5 and 4 CPU cores on their 4-core MT tasks. These computers are not running anything else.

My Xeon E5-2699 v3 is using almost exactly 4 CPU cores pretty consistently on its 4-core MT tasks. I do have other BOINC projects running on the other CPU cores on this computer.
4) Message boards : General Discussion : Stats export problems (Message 8330)
Posted 13 Feb 2024 by Fardringle
This was mentioned in another thread a while ago but didn't get a response. Maybe because that thread title isn't clear so it wasn't seen.

Around January 24th or 25th, the stats export file from the -Dev project showed everyone as having zero credits. Not just nothing new for that update, but actual zero total for everybody. So the next one (with the correct numbers) made all of the automated stats sites show us as having our total credits be our "new" credits for that update. It seemed to sort itself out within a day or two and was OK for about a week.

However, now there's a different problem. The stats export files for the -Dev project are now actually the stats files for the main LHC@home project and not the correct stats for the -Dev project. This is causing the stats reporting sites to show everyone who has contributed to -Dev as having duplicate numbers based on our LHC@home contributions.
5) Message boards : General Discussion : Credits are still (Message 8304)
Posted 26 Jan 2024 by Fardringle
Yes. It appears that a recent stats export file from the project showed everyone as having zero credits. Not just nothing new for that update, but actual zero total for everybody.

So the next one (with the correct numbers) made all of the automated stats sites show us as having our total credits be our "new" credits for that update. It should sort itself out as long as the LHC Dev project doesn't create any more zero totals output files.
6) Message boards : Theory Application : VERY long running tasks are finishng with errors (Message 8199)
Posted 30 Sep 2023 by Fardringle
Recently, my Windows 10 computers have been getting some Theory Simulation v5.5 tasks with extremely long run times of about 10 days. When I saw the estimated times when the tasks were first downloaded, I figured they were just extra big tasks since I have seen tasks now and then in the past that run for a couple of days and finish successfully, so I decided to let them run to completion.

Three of these long tasks have been completed and reported now, and all three of them have been 'validated' as "Error while computing". Am I doing something wrong, or are these just bad tasks that should be aborted? The task logs also say that there was only about 1 hour of CPU time recorded during those 10 days of processing time.

One of the tasks (the third link) says it was also completed and validated successfully by a different computer in about 7.5 minutes, so that definitely doesn't seem right. The other two have not been sent out to any other computers yet.



7) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Xtrack beam simulation (Message 8098)
Posted 11 Jun 2023 by Fardringle
I have an Xtrack ddicroce_test_test_3 task running right now on my Ryzen 9 3900X and it is currently at 7.25 days (626K seconds) of run time. it has been showing 100% progress for about two days now and is still running...

Edit: I just checked, and in fact it has been running so long that the server marked that task as failed because the result has not been reported yet.

8) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Xtrack beam simulation (Message 7967)
Posted 15 Mar 2023 by Fardringle
I'm not sure why I haven't received any other Xtrack tasks yet, but my first and only task appears to be bad as well.

It has run anywhere from about 5 hours to about 30 hours several times, and then it resets back to zero again without any errors reported in the logs. It looks like a few other people have also had trouble with this task.

9) Message boards : CMS Application : New Version 60.63 (Message 7703)
Posted 31 Jul 2022 by Fardringle
You have no country set.
You don't know Fardringle from the United States. Active for over 21 years in BOINC-land.

I fixed my country setting, and the CPU limit setting, and the show computers setting. Thank you to those who sent me messages reminding me that I hadn't done it yet.

I've been running BOINC since October 2000, and non-BOINC projects like SETI for a long time before that. I don't have a huge amount of computing power, but I have a personal goal to try to participate in every project that I possibly can. I especially like small projects and test projects, so I've been trying to get an account on this project almost since it was first launched. Never could get the site to let me make one, even with an invitation code from the devs, but it finally let me in yesterday so I'm here now. :)
10) Message boards : CMS Application : New Version 60.63 (Message 7700)
Posted 31 Jul 2022 by Fardringle
I am new to this project so it's possible I'm missing some important configuration settings. If so, I'd appreciate any help getting things set up properly.

I suppose BOINC Manager shows something like (8 CPUs) and in VirtualBox Manager a VM show 8 CPUs.
CMS however uses only 1 CPU, so you have to set in your project preferences Max # CPUs 1 or you have to use app_config.xml

I wondered if it might be something simple like that, thanks!
11) Message boards : CMS Application : New Version 60.63 (Message 7697)
Posted 31 Jul 2022 by Fardringle
I have 60.63 CMS Simulation tasks running on AMD Ryzen 9 3900X (Windows 10), Intel Xeon E5-2678 v3 (Linux Mint), 2x Intel Xeon E5-1650 v4 (Windows10), and Intel i7-4790 (Linux Mint). Each computer is running a single task in Virtual Box.

The BOINC manager says that it is using all available CPU cores/threads on each of these computers, but the actual CPU usage is around 10-15%, so the tasks don't seem to be making efficient use of the available CPU power...

I am new to this project so it's possible I'm missing some important configuration settings. If so, I'd appreciate any help getting things set up properly.

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